It’s been a great summer so far, and I can’t believe that school is just around the corner! I’ve already been shopping my kids’ back to school supplies lists, stocking my pantry with lots of options for back-to-school lunches, and getting ready to homeschool a preschooler (I’m homeschooling just for the preschool year – wish me luck! Props to all those who do homeschooling with all their kids year-round every year!).
I’ve loved the un-scheduled days of summer, the sleeping in, the going wherever whenever we want, and doing whatever we want to do, so I’m not exactly looking forward to sending my kids back to school and saying goodbye to our summer days but it is inevitable so I guess I’d better start trying to get organized about it. I’ll be printing out this August calendar a few times: one for meal planning purposes, one for scheduling all the sports and school events, and one for our preschool lesson plan.
I’d love for you to be able to print this calendar for all of your planning needs, so just go ahead and scroll on down to the end of this post to download your free printable PDF! It’s 8.5″ x 11″ so it’s perfect for printing right at home.

Click here to download your free printable August 2019 calendar!
Enjoy the rest of your summer! I hope this calendar helps you gear up for the school year ahead!
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